My name is Brianna Preston. I'm married to a wonderful man named Keith who is patience itself. I have two beautiful boys--Caden who is 4 and Levi who is 2. We are expecting our third little boy in July.
I'm probably the last person in the world who should be writing a home management blog.
I was born a disorganized and, well, rather sloppy individual. As a child, the room I shared with my two sisters was cluttered with my clothing and possessions. My dresser top was never visible and was usually piled a few feet high with miscellaneous stuff. I was my mother's problem child when it came to rising in the mornings. Before I was homeschooled, I missed the bus more than once because I just wouldn't get out of bed.
As a teenager and college student, I was often late, forgot appointments and assignments, double booked babysitting commitments, and continued to live in general chaos. It was stressful to live this way, but I had done it for most of my life and didn't really know how to do it any differently.
Then I got married. And had children. And had a household to run. I tried. Sometimes. But I didn't really know what I was doing and still had so many deeply ingrained habits of laziness and sloppiness. I did things half-way. Or not at all.
So, my family lived in a home that was disorderly and chaotic. My husband would run out of clean socks and work clothes. The dishes would be piled high on the counter tops. We'd eat out at the last minute because I didn't make a plan for dinner. Birthday parties would have me scrambling to Walmart at the last minute for a present. Overdraft and late bill fees were a common occurrence. And we were always late to church.
You get the idea.
But I serve a gracious God. He started showing me how much this way of life dishonored Him. He was a God of order, beauty and peace. He wanted my home to reflect those characteristics. It would be a way to minister to my family and others who visited our home.
He started teaching me. Through His Word, books, godly friends, and even strangers online, He started showing me how to better manage my home. As I write, I glance around to see my oldest son mucking with PlayDoh at the kitchen table. There's a freshly painted dresser and drawers spread out on a drop cloth. The kitchen counter needs to be straightened. And around the corner, I know that library books and a few toys litter the floor of the living room.
My home isn't perfect by any means. And, oh my goodness, neither am I! I'm still that lazy slob who God is doing a work in. But I've learned some habits and routines that underpin most of what I do now. For the most part, my husband has clean laundry, my dishes are done on a regular basis, I know what's for dinner (chicken soup and bread!), I already have my youngest son's birthday present (a month early), I know what's going on with my bank accounts and all my bills are current, and we are only sometimes late for church.
I'm a woman who is simply seeking to honor her Lord by giving this responsibility He's given me my very best effort. Are you a "lazy slob" like me? I hope that this blog can encourage you with the truth that God can be at work in your heart and hearth as well.