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Speaking of Managing Time from an Eternal Perspective. . .

I love you, Johnny
Image by Capture Queen ™

There are two unhealthy extremes when it comes to managing our homes. We can ignore the daily responsibilities like dishes, laundry, food preparation, and so on. I've been there. Or, we can put too much focus on those things to the neglect of those who matter so much more. The people in our families. I've been there, too. Unfortunately, I'm a perfectionist and that lends itself to an all or nothing kind of attitude. God is working on me in that regard!

A few weeks ago, I received an e-mail update from one of my favorite ministries, Above Rubies. This poem was included and it speaks to the second tendency of mine. It spoke so loudly to me that I printed it out and pasted it on my cupboard door in the kitchen. I thought perhaps it would speak to you, too.

"I Love You, Johnny!"

I love you, Johnny, said mother one day,
I love you more than I can say,
Then she answered his questions with,
"Don't bother me now!"
And just didn't have time to show him how
To tie his truck to his tractor and plough,
But she washed her windows and scrubbed the floor
And baked and cooked and cleaned some more.

"Bring the boy next door in?" "Well, I should say not,
You'll mess up the floors and I don't want a spot."
"No, we don't have time for a story today,
Mother's too busy cooking, so run out and play,
Maybe tomorrow," she said with a sigh,
And Johnny went out almost ready to cry.

"I love you, Johnny," again she said,
As she washed his face and sent him to bed.
Now how do you think that Johnny guessed
Whether 'twas he or the house that she really loved best?
Let's not let their childhoods slip through our fingers while we overly busy ourselves with household tasks!


Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

Never heard of Above Rubies. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to a moment to sit and read their site!!

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