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Home Haircuts: Attempt at Your Own Risk

Looking shaggy?
Image by foxypar4

My little guys are 4 and 2. To date, they've never had a professional haircut.

Sometimes...you can tell. Well, at least I can tell. My husband assures me that no one else notices while I'm fretting that they look like they've been cutting their own hair.

Within this post, you will not find a tutorial. Why, you ask? Because, truth be told, I'm still not sure what in tarnation I'm doing. And sometimes...sometimes I'm not so happy with the results.

But I simply cannot bring myself to pay $20 a month to have someone cut their hair! I just can't. Things are pretty tight around here and there is always something we could use that $20 dollars for. So, I do it.

What I can share with you in my general approach to haircutting time.

1. I put it off at least a week longer than I should because I'm dreading it.

2. I gather tools--clippers, towels, scissors, comb, etc.

3. We pop a DVD into the computer in the kitchen. Captive audience!

4. I clip a little with the clippers and cut a little with the scissors. As fast as I can. While they wiggle and squirm and bob their cute little heads.

5. They cry and fuss because they're itchy from the hair.

6. We run to the bathroom and I clean them up in the tub. Their hair always looks so much better after it's been freshly washed. Sometimes, I can't even see all the mistakes I made.

Yes, it's very scientific.

Again, I am not a professional and I'm not really sure you should try this at home. If your child's hair looks terrible, do not email me to complain. You've been warned.

I figure, however, that sooner or later, I'll get really good at this thing. And maybe someday I won't even notice any mistakes.

I said I wouldn't include a tutorial. Well, I won't include one of my own, but here are a couple of links to people who seem like they might know what they're doing:

How to Cut Your Own Children's Hair to Save Money
Save Some Cash--Cut Your Own Kids' Hair!

These are links for boys' haircuts. I have no idea what you do with girls. I am not girl-hair-schooled.

And maybe, just maybe your little guy's hair will turn out super cute! My boys don't look so bad. But I am rather partial.

For more money saving ideas, please visit Frugal Friday at LifeasMOM!


Melonie said...

I cut my girls' hair for years - it's actually easier than the boys because you can let it get longer and just trim and shape. :-)

I've trimmed my son's hair twice now - his aunt is a stylist and did his first cut. I have a copy of the e-book Haircuts for Little Men by Nancy Baetz and I re-read it several times before I attempted his hair cut... so far, so good. I learn a little more each time, but nobody has said it doesn't look good. lol

Melonie said...

Oh, her website is www.nancybaetz.com if you want to check out the e-book for tips. She has a blog too, http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/ByHisGraceInColorado, maybe there are tips there.

Brianna said...

Thanks, Melonie!

Tracey said...

Great post! I have also trimmed my girls' hair (bangs only!) and just trimmed my own bangs yesterday. I am in awe of my sister who cuts her husband's hair with clippers and everything! Have a great day!

Niki Jolene said...

I tried this once and it was a disaster...you are so brave! I guess some people are just gifted in certain areas and haircuts are not mine..LOL

I do actually give our dogs touch-ups in between groomings.


Amanda @ Mommy's Idea Book said...

I am right there with you on this one. I cut my son's hair and just recently started my cutting my husband's hair. That one really makes me nervous.

I admit I'm getting a little better at it, but yes it is a challenge with a wiggly child.

The best advise I could give someone who wants to cut hair with clippers is to get a good pair of clippers. When I first started I used a middle of the road pair from Wal-Mart.

Just recently, I purchased a pair of WAHL clippers at a beauty supply store and oh, what a difference. It's a little larger investment, but well worth it. The cut is much more even and I finished in half the time.

Anonymous said...

I also would always cut my boys hair, still do sometimes but where we live there's a fella that cuts their hair for $4 each. I don't mind paying that as it IS such a hassle and mess. :)

Unknown said...

I've always cut my boys hair and now I even do my husband's. I used to let them watch TV while trimming, but whenever I needed them to look down so that I could take the trimmers (with no number on it) across the bottom, we would experience "drifting" and therefore huge mistakes. So now the TV is off :D I figure I'm saving $40 a month (or more) using a $20 pair of clippers that I bought 10 years ago.

Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

You're funny today! (or whatever day you wrote this!!)

John has no hair and my husband won't let me anywhere near his head with scissors.

My mother always cut all our hair. As children we had some...ummm...interesting hair (mullets, uneven or far too short bangs, bad perms etc). As we got older she basically made us sign a waiver before she started on our hair (LOL), but she actually got quite good with practive

She still trims my hair and my daughers!

Maybe I'll learn on John if he gets hair :)

Wendi said...

Good for you! I do cut my daughter's hair - I just trim her bangs and trim the length a bit - pretty easy - but I am scared to cut my boys' hair. I've gotten a couple books on cutting your family's hair - we have the clippers - now I just need to build up the nerve to actually do it!

Brianna said...

Jenn, I love the fact that your mother made you sign a waiver! How funny!

It sounds like girl hair might actually be easier than boy hair--as long as their hair is pretty much long. Just trimming, I guess. No layers and what-not.

Amanda, we have the WAHL clippers, too.

Niki, if you cut dog hair, it can't be THAT different from people hair, right? LOL.

Mandy said...

I can totally identify with you on this, I am continually amazed when any member of my family lets me near their hair. I am very humbled and honored by my husbands faith in me, or at least willingness to pitch in a save a few bucks. One trick I use is to start with Daddy when we have the time-anything is so much cooler if Daddy is doing it, too. Or, I found these great macaroons that are gluten free with something like coconut, eggs and honey in them. I do not remember the brand, but I used to cut them up into tiny pieces and would give my son one tiny piece in his mouth at a time, and he was happy enough to hang out until we were done. If only girls were as easy as boys. . .

Way to go being thrifty! You're right, so many other ways to spend $20.

Nancy Baetz said...

Hi Brianna,
My dear friend Mel told me about your post and how she was shamelessly promoting my haircutting ebook here! :) I would love to give you a free copy to give away on your blog if you are interested! One free for you, one free for a reader. Just say the word!


nancybaetz at msn dot com

The Prudent Homemaker said...

We cut hair at home, too.

My husband always says that the difference between a good haircut and a bad one is two weeks! He tells me not to worry about messing up!

We first bought clippers when we couldn't keep paying for the $5 haircuts for my husband.

After a few years I finally went to a beauty supply place and bought two capes--one adult one and one child's one. They were more than the clippers! But they were well worth it. I really prefer them over the towels that were always falling.

Eventually, I decided that I really needed my hair cut, and as I couldn't afford to keep paying to have my hair cut, I asked my husband to cut it for me!

I'm really happy with it!

And, you should know that little girls' hair is actually easier than boys hair--much easier!

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