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Top 10 Must-Reads for the Thoughtful Home Manager

Top 10 Reads
Image by ali edwards'

Oh, books, how I love thee.

Can I get a witness?

If I could, I would have one of those old fashioned libraries in my house. You know the kind--with the shelves that go all the way to the top of the 14 foot high ceiling? With that fantastic rolling ladder? Actually, it's probably good that I don't have access to a rolling ladder. I'd probably seriously injure myself.


I'd like to share my list of top recommendations for home managers. I'd also love to hear what your favorites are. Because I always need a new book to read.

1. The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer.
I mentioned this jewel here when I talked about the importance of creating a sanctuary for your family. She won't tell you how to organize your sock drawer, but she'll inspire you to breathe beauty into your home.

2. Houseworks: Cut the Clutter, Speed Your Cleaning and Calm the Chaos by Cynthia Townley Ewer
I love this book! I don't own it, but I want to own it. This book is the one to tell you how to get things in order. How to make your home run like clockwork. Love it.

3. Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House by Cheryl Mendelson
This could be a text book for a homeschooler's highschool class. It is a little dry at times, but it is the place to find all the facts about how to keep a home straight, clean, and safe. This is the book that will instruct you in the art of the hospital corner when you make the bed and how to avoid yucky dust mites.

4. Shopping for Time: How to Do It All and NOT Be Overwhelmed by Carolyn Mahaney, et al.
This one was revolutionary for me. I mentioned this just recently in my planning post. This book is about time management from a whole new perspective. It's about looking to the Lord for direction on how He wants you to use your time, and what He wants you to have on your to-do list. It's all about living life with the Gospel in mind. Highly, highly recommended.

5. Secrets to Getting More Done in Less Time by Donna Otto
This was the first book that made the idea of a home management organizer make sense to me. She shows you in detail how to live your life in an organized fashion with the help of this organization tool.

6. Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald
Do you need a fresh wind? This book will pick you up, dust you off, and point you heavenward. It reminds women everywhere of the beauty and wonder of the role God has called us to.

7. A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George
This is a book I've returned to again and again. It's a book with a study guide and is useful for private or group study. It speaks to the different roles we have as women, and how we can glorify the Lord by honoring Him in our marriages, as mothers, and as homemakers.

8. Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney
This is a book that will kick you in the pants and encourage you at the same time? Sound impossible? I dare you to read it and find out for yourself. It answers the question, "What does godly, beautiful womanhood really look like?

9. Where's Mom: The High Calling of Wives and Mothers by Dorothy Kelley Patterson
Whew. Another great book to remind you of how beautiful and important this job is. She'll kick feminism to the curb and point your heart back to the picture of a valuable wife and mother.

10. How to Organize (Just About) Everything by Peter Walsh
Another fun read for my nerdy self. This book is huge. And it's filled with useful information as well as silly information that makes it just downright fun. It will even tell you how to run for president! This book can help you organize--well--just about anything!

Happy reading!

Don't forget to leave your own favorites for me in the comments!


Erin said...

GREAT list! (From one Bibliophile to another) Alot of my faves are on there, so I'll have to think about more. Elizabeth George also has a time management book, as well, which is good (all of her books are good, actually). Thanks for posting this!

Jenn @ Beautiful Calling said...

Oh, I love books too. I really, really love books. I own a lot of books lol.

Elizabeth George is one of my favorite authors. She has a great book "Life Management for Busy Women" which I really liked! Another book of hers that I really found helpful was Loving God with All Your Mind. It isn't about Home Management but you can better manage you home when you're right with Him!

I am just finishing up Passionate Housewives Desperate for God and LOVED IT!
Next on my list is The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace. It looks amazing!

Does your library carry these kind of books? Ours doesn't so sometimes it is hard to find new books to read that I don't have to buy. We also don't have a swapping site here in Canada either :(

TexasRed said...

These organizing books sound like reading I'd like to check out. Thanks!

Beth said...

I love book list!! I found Hidden Art at a garage sale last summer, bought it for 25cents. I enjoyed it. It was great to read how you loved that book! I was wondering if you have heard of Kathy Peel? When I was a Mom with young kids(long before blogs)I read her books and they were very helpful. I really enjoy your Blog. Keep it up. Being a Mom is a very real job!

Brianna said...

Erin and Jenn, I'll have to find that time management book by Elizabeth George. I didn't realize she had one. Yay!

Jenn, I *do* have a fabulous interlibrary loan system. I can't find every book through the library, but I can find almost any book. It is a huge blessing, especially when funds are as tight as ours and I love books as much as I do.

Beth, thank you for the encouragement! I have heard of Kathy Peel (the Family Manager, right?), but I don't think I've read any of her books. Thanks for the suggestion!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorites is Sink Reflections by the Flylady

I think I've only read one of all the books you have listed: Passionate Housewives Desperate for God. Excellent choice! :)

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