Image by aussiegall
Either title will work, really.
Yes, both are appropriate titles for this post, although the latter has the added benefit of sounding more dignified. The first is just so, uh, true. As I was contemplating starting this blog a few weeks ago, I felt excitement growing inside me. God had been teaching me so much about the beauty and value of seeking to honor Him by managing my home well, and I deeply wanted to share with others what He had been so graciously teaching me.
Then I hit One of Those Days. These Sorts of Days actually happen to me quite frequently. The days when my selfishness, laziness, procrastination or all of the above make my home into a place of chaos and frustration for me and every member of my family.
In the midst of the chaos, I wondered to myself, "Who do I think I am? Who am I to even think about writing a blog to encourage women as they seek to improve their home management to the glory of God. I'm such a wreck!" And I very nearly threw in the towel on my "foolish" and self-important idea right then and there.
However, it was as though I could hear the Lord whispering to me, "Dear One, isn't that sort of the point?"
Indeed, I am a wreck. Make no mistake about it. I am not by nature an organized person. I tend to be self-focused and lazy. I have several bad habits including procrastination and what I call "half-way-ness" (doing things only half-way) . These are the flaws that show themselves most in the area of managing my home, but there are many, many other sins and faults that I manifest in my life which hurt my husband and children frequently.
That quiet whisper from my Lord who redeemed me was a gentle, sweet reminder that it isn't about me. It's about what He can do through me when I am willing to humble my heart, sit at His feet, learn from Him, and obey Him. It's all about Him.
This blog is not being written by someone who is perfect, accomplished, or even leading by example necessarily. I am growing and learning and trying and desiring to serve Him with my whole heart, but I have so, so far to go.
Rather, this blog is a call to look to the Lord of Heaven. The One who made us and knows us by name. The One who redeems our time, our talents, our skills, our homes, our families. I'm so thankful now that I had that horrible day just as I was planning to begin this blog. I really needed to remember to never present myself as some sort of expert, and I think the Lord wanted me to remember that any success I see in my work is because of Him.
But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
II Corinthians 12:9-10
What a wonderful post. I'm quite enjoying your honest, fun writing style. My first visit today following your comment to my blog :)
From one wreck to another :), thanks and amen!
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