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Prizing My Husband

Grateful for my husband

You know what? I've got a great husband. I really, really do. But sometimes. . .I can take him for granted. Or get irritated with small faults that grow to ridiculous proportions in my imagination.

Recently, I've been reminded of the importance of prizing my husband. I have a new, dear friend who I've been meeting with for dessert (Yum!) and a book discussion (Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney). She mentioned that she and her husband had been doing The Love Dare, which is a book that grew out of the movie Fireproof.

Now that last paragraph had a TON of marriage resources in it for you! I would especially recommend watching Fireproof if you haven't done so already. I've got a pretty good marriage, but it made me feel a burning desire to protect, grow and light my marriage on FIRE! (Pun intended.)

In any case, my sweet friend told me that one of the exercises in The Love Dare book was to make a list of all the positive things about your spouse. She told me that after she completed her list, she was overwhelmed with what a great gift she had in her husband! Now she keeps her list in a handy spot, so that she can pull it out occasionally when she needs to be reminded of the blessing God has given her.

Now, isn't that a fabulous idea?

So, I'm gonna copy her.

Here's my list:

My husband is. . .
  • Patient (oh-so-very)
  • Kind (he almost ALWAYS speaks kindness to me)
  • Honest (never in our marriage has he told me a lie)
  • Encouraging (on my worst days, he picks me up with his loving encouragement)
  • Hardworking (seriously, girls, there is no one on the planet as hardworking)
  • Visionary (he dreams AND shares those dreams with me)
  • Generous (I'm embarrassed to say that by nature, I am NOT, so I really admire this)
  • Committed to our family (I know that after God we're his number one priority)
  • Faithful to follow God (even when he struggles, he presses on)
Really. I'm the luckiest woman alive. And I am so grateful for my husband today.

For more thankful thoughts, please visit Heavenly Homemakers for Gratituesday!

What about you? What are some of the things you love about your husband?


Val, Brax and Harper said...

i haven't started yet, but i just bought love dare TODAY! we watched fireproof on saturday, and my husband actually THANKED me for insisting that he watch it with me, and he even shed a tear!!!!!!! just when i thought he was emotion-less! it is amazing how just in the past few days i've read of several success stories from fireproof/love dare. i'm excited!

Christiana said...

Great post! Loved the movie, and hope to do the Love Dare soon. :)

Goat Gal said...

Thanks you for the resources. I am going to write a list in my journal today.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea! I'm currently keeping a journal in which I write things I appreciate about my husband each day. After a year (if I can wait that long), I will give it to him! I got the idea from a friend and I thought it was super cool.

Anonymous said...

@ Val: How exciting! Wow.

@ Christy: My husband and I actually both own the Love Dare, but haven't done it yet!

@ Sarah: You're welcome!

@ Sarah H.: Oh, that is a great idea, too!

DairyQueen said...

I found your blog today from WFMW. I just love to find women who lift up their husbands rather than bash them down. I have been so irritated with my husband today. He called as we were finishing up homeschool for me to do something for him. While I was looking through his basket (that he should have already sorted and dealed with) the girls went chaotic. Luckily we were finishing up, because the interruption broke our roll we were on. Thankfully I didn't lose my temper with him, and I had to work hard not to lose it with the girls. In the moment, it was a big thing. Now it's not. What women have to realize is that we have so much power. I could have told himp what I thought of him ruining our school time (even though it really didn't), and caused him to have a bad day, me to have a bad day, and there to be conflict between us. But, thankfully, I chose to do what he needed, and then get the girls back together.

Anyways, that's a long spill to tell you that I am glad I came across this! We have to choose what we're going to focus on. I choose the good~and there's so much!

I love Sarah H's idea of a journal of great stuff about our husbands. I might start that now, just after our anniversary to give to him on our next anniversary!

I'll be back to your blog time and time again I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

@ Hadley: I think your comment about the power that women have is a gem. We really do hold the keys to a peaceful home in our hands. Or perhaps in our mouths? I think our attitudes more than anyone else in our homes defines the atmosphere there.

Anonymous said...

Found your blog for the big apron giveaway...I needed that talk on the frumpy mom look! It is so hard to stay "cute" in the winter when I'm freezing! Anyway, I really enjoyed the book Feminine Appeal...and enjoyed browsing your blog this afternoon...I can't wait to try that chicken salsa soup:-)

Betty Jo said...

What a precious, precious post. I unexpectedly lost my incredible husband last October, six months ago last Tuesday. He worked on Friday, became ill on Saturday morning, and passed away on Tuesday morning. We almost made it to our 40th anniversary in Nov. My husband and I were one, and I could list about him so many, many wonderful things. He was my hero, loving me to life daily. Cherish every moment with your dear husband. ♥

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