His secretary Ellen hands him his schedule for the day without looking up. She lifts her head just in time to see him disappear into the conference room. Her jaw drops.
A group of men and women are chatting quietly as they wait for the big man to arrive. They hear the doorknob click and look up with anticipation. Eyebrows rise and more mouths hang open. Someone lets out a nervous chuckle. Is this some sort of joke?
Jacob Eldridge, CEO, had arrived for work in his pajamas.
While most of us would never consider showing up to an important business meeting in our PJ's, a sweat suit from high school, or the grungiest items in our closet, how many of us home managers have worn those things for most of the day on a regular basis?
I know I have.
I really think that one of the best things we can do as we pursue taking our jobs as home managers more seriously is to begin to dress well for our job.
Why? Why does it really matter what we wear in the comfort and privacy of our homes? Who really cares whether we get out of our jammies or not?
Here are two good reasons to get dressed properly for your job as home manager:
1. It has a positive effect on your motivation and effectiveness.
There are quite a few things I love about Flylady. There are also quite a few things about Flylady that don't work for me. But I think she's definitely on to something with her shoe kick. Except for the shoe part. (Call me a rebel, but I refuse to wear lace up shoes everyday.) Her argument, though, is that we feel better about ourselves when we get dressed. And that when we feel more pulled together we act more pulled together.
2. It blesses your family--especially your husband.
Though many of us won't take the time to dress nicely for a day at home, most of us don't want to be seen in public in our sleepwear with no makeup and greasy hair. When we're going out, we tend to perk ourselves up a bit, right? But are the random strangers in the world really that much more important to you than the people you hold nearest and dearest--your children and husband? Don't they deserve to see your pretty side, too?
Getting dressed, fixing our hair and faces--these all speak love to our family members. Especially your husband. I can almost guarantee that your husband will feel at least a small delight to come home to a woman who is dressed nicely, smells approachable, and whose hair is combed. Especially if he's been greeted by the opposite for quite some time.
So, what does this really mean? What does it look like to dress well for the job of home management?
1. Beauty
As women, let's embrace our femininity by being girls! Dress in clothing that flatters, fits well, pleases your sense of style, and expresses your personality. Getting dressed can be a creative outlet as well as something that gives you and your husband pleasure. Maybe you're saying, "But I don't have anything beautiful that fits me, and I sure don't have any money to buy a new wardrobe!" Be resourceful. Set aside a little bit of money and head to the thrift store--you can find some beautiful clothes for next to nothing there. No excuses!
2. Function
So, does dressing beautifully mean pulling out the pearls? Um, probably not. Personally, my two year old would rip those off my neck before the day was over. As home managers, we do a lot of moving. Bending, stretching, chasing wayward toddlers. Our clothes should be comfortable and suited to our tasks. Beauty and function don't have to be mutually exclusive, though.
This is where an amazing apron can come in. Aprons are so in, if you didn't know. They're coming back with a vengeance and there are some seriously cute ones out there. There are aprons made for every style and personality. They're the perfect blend of function and beauty, in my opinion.
Now for the fun part!
The lovely ladies at Marie-Madeline Studio have generously agreed to give away one of their beautiful aprons to one blessed winner! These aprons are just what I was thinking of when I mentioned the blend of beauty and function. I love, love, love their aprons! The best part is that the winner gets to choose not only the style of apron they prefer, but the fabric as well!
Here are the guidelines if you want to enter this giveaway:
1. Head over to Marie-Madeline Studio and decide which style of apron and fabric you would like, and post a comment with your selection. Only one comment per person, please.
2. For a second entry, subscribe to my feed! There will be a secret code in the footer of the post in your feed reader or inbox that won't show up on the site itself. Email the code to me at hearthmanagement (at) gmail (dot) com. Put the quote in the subject line--I won't actually read the email! For those of you who are wondering what it means to subscribe, here's a quick explanation. Please don't comment to let me know--I'll get your email.
3. For a third entry, post about and link to the giveaway post. Email me with your link in the subject line (for some reason my pingbacks aren't working right now). Please don't comment to let me know--I'll get your email.
The giveaway is open to US and Canada residents. The giveaway will be open all week long and will end Friday, March 27th at midnight. The winner will be announced on Saturday the 28th and will be notified by email. Please be sure that I have a way of contacting you. (Either a valid email address in your profile, a link to your website, or your email address included in your comment.)
Have fun!
Image by Playingwithbrushes
I'd love to win this giveaway! I would especially like the Chic Sisters apron in fabric from the "farmer's market" line.
I love Marie-Madeline Studio! They are just the sweetest! I would LOVE to win! I would love to have the chic sisters apron made with the Mod Girls fabric! Too cute! :) stacygibbs122@gmail.com
I'm so glad they posted about the contest on the Marie-Madeline blog - you have an awesome blog here!
Please put me in the drawing. I would love to have the pleated cottage apron (with band) in Swell or Darla pattern. Too cute!
Great article! If I were to win I would choose the chic sister apron with the mary trellis
jp10- pink fabric!
Hi Brianna! What a fun giveaway! I'd love a Chich Sisters apron in anything from the Darla Blue collection :-)
I would love to have the Pleated cottage apron with the barefoot Rose! Great giveway:)
i would love to win the Chic sisters Apron!! and i love the darla fabric! grat giveway:)
I would love a Chic Sisters apron in the farmers' market fabric!
Oh, I love all the fabrics - especially the darla! The funny part is that I had looked through their stuff on the site before and loved the chic sisters apron but alas, in this particular season, aprons are a want and not a need. This isn't actually an entry into your contest because I have quite a few aprons. I just wanted to comment on how awesome their stuff looks!!!
Hurray for your giveaway!
Hi Brianna,
I love the Chic Sisters aprons in the darla ticking red and picnic rose blush! Too cute to even picture in your head!
P.S. Here's my email...
Wow! This looks like so much fun.
I love the chic sister’s apron with the farmer’s market fabric.
Thanks so much for the article, I enjoyed the read.
Dear Brianna,
I would be so excited to get a Chic Sisters apron in Jane Street Fabric. :) Thanks! April
Oh the Chic Sisters aprons are too cute! Love em!
Well I am off to get outta my pink flannel puppy jammies and put on real clothes!
Love the chic sisters apron--in any of the fabrics! Clearly someone out there has way more style than I do...
I love the chic sisters apron with the pink bubbles and whatever goes best with that!
I like the chic sisters apron & would choose the garden party fabrics... I'll let them decide which ones to use!
I like the chic sisters apron and the Jane Street fabrics.
I like the Pleated Cottage apron with fabric from the garden party!
I like the Chic Sisters apron with the Michael Miller black and white fabric.
I would love the chic sisters apron with the farmers market!
I would love the full coverage of the Chic sisters apron (it seems like most of us would!)in any combination of those yummy Ava Rose cottons ... yummy! What a fun giveaway - thanks so much!
I would love a Chic sisters apron in the Brooke fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!
Wonderful, thought provoking article!
I am very excited about your giveaway! I just discovered Marie-Madeline Studio yesterday and absolutely loved everything! I would love the Chic sisters apron in the Darla fabric! Thank you so much!
Oh, thank you so much for the giveaway. If I win, could I please have the frilly fandango apron in the Darla fabrics? I love these aprons!
I like the chic sisters apron in the black & white fabrics.
Hi! I would love the chic sisters apron in Pop garden and bijoux! Thanks for this giveaway!!!
I LOVE aprons! And with 2 little ones there is no such thing as enough as I go through them like crazy with spit up, and little hands wanting to help and hide behind and under my apron!
I love the chic sisters apron in either Ava Rose or Barefoot Rose!
Mrs.Pear at cox.net
Would love the chic sister's apron in farmers market fabric! maumauisginger(at)gmail(dot)com
Such beautiful aprons! I would love to be entered in the giveaway. I like the Chic Sisters style with any matching fabric combination from the "Barefoot Roses" collection. Thank you!
i'm subscribed
Oh! More fabrics to lust over!
I'd love that chic sisters apron in Apron Red and Order Up.
I may have to buy the pattern. Those are sooo cute.
Yea, a pretty apron. Great post, thanks.
I really like the Chic Sisters apron in the Black and white line. All the fabrics are fab! They're just happy!
Thanks again for the opportunity.
"Lydia Cate"
i love their aprons. so cute!
i love the chic sisters apron in farmer's market dahlia! it looks fantastic.
Super cute aprons! I love the chic sisters apron and the black and white by michael miller, although they are all very cute!
Hi Brianna!
I've had M-M bookmarked for a while, hoping for an apron! would love the Chic sisters in "swell"! ooooooooooooo i hope i win!
:) Erin
Wow! I was never interested in aprons before I saw this site! I loved everything I saw on Marie Madeline's website! I would love to win an apron--it would surely help me feel motivated around the house! My favorite style is the chic sisters apron with the garden party fabrics (especially in the pinks, blues & browns)!
Joanna Hartley
Yay for giveaways! I like the chic sisters apron and the garden party fabric!
Cute blog! Ok, so after spending a lot of time looking at fabric patterns while I should be working, here we go -
my favorite apron is the chic sisters, and I think I like the Pink Damask (Ava Rose) fabric the best. But it was very difficult to choose...
Oh, please, please, please! Chic Sisters Apron, Barefoot Roses Fabric. It didn't take me long--I've been drooling over these two choices for so long!
Hannah L.
Pick me! Pick me! I love the Chic Sisters Apron with Jane Street fabric. These are so adorable and I loved your whole post about beauty. I've been feeling convicted about that recently. Its hard to put on something cute when I know I'll probably go through three outfit changes before Brian even gets home due to spit up from one and potty-training mishaps from the other :)
Wow! I would love to win this! I really like the chic sisters apron with the up all night
green fabric! So cute!:)
So cool. I would love to win such an adorable apron!
I love the colors and patterns.
I like the chic sisters with black and white ~ I know, how boring... but black is my favourite colour :)
Melanie Gillespie
Hey, Chickadee, I so want in on this. Those aprons are great. I like the Chic Sisters ones, but picking a fabric is super hard.
I would love to have the Chic Sisters Apron with the Elizabeth Stripe fabric.
Pick Me! Pick ME!!
Heather Dejong
I would love to receive a pleated cottage apron in a color from the darla pink collection-- my favorite color is pink so it is almost impossible to pick a fabric! : ) Thank you!
kaitlinbeth AT hotmail DOT com
Your aprons look fabulous. I never thought the apron look would come back for women pushing back against the feminist culture. I think a chic sisters apron in bell bottom would flatter my mommy figure.
I would love to win the Frilly Fandango apron in the Hello Betty fabric - I have been drooling over their creations for so long! Thanks for this giveaway.
I'd pick the pleated cottage apron in the darla fabrics. Thanks!
Yay I love their aprons. I would pick a Pleated Cottage Apron with the bottom band in the Flower Power fabric (any of them! :) )
I'd like the Chic Sisters pattern, and the kiwi polka dot and the darla rosie dot red fabric!
Hi! What a fun giveaway!
I'd love one of their beautiful Chic Sisters aprons in Darla (same prints as the Tank Set on the blog) :)
Hi! What a fun giveaway!
I'd love one of their beautiful Chic Sisters aprons in Darla (same prints as the Tank Set on the blog) :)
I love the chic sisters in Park Slope by Erin McMorris for FreeSpirit. Beautiful aprons! ddurbanski at earthlink dot net
Loving the pleated cottage apron in any combo from Flower Power! Simply lovely.
I also have a giveaway of EllynAnne Geisel's books The Apron Book and The Kitchen Linen Book if you are interested.
I love the Chic Sisters Apron with a flower power pattern! Those are too cute. It was hard to pick! Thank you for this giveaway!!! I really need a new apron!
i love these aprons!! i like the pleated cottage style in the bellbottom prints. -laura
I would go with a Chic Sister's apron in any of the flower power prints! Thanks for the giveaway!
Mrs. Jo
I like the Chic Sisters apron in the Garden Party collection of fabrics. augustgirl01 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Aprons! Yea! This is one of the best giveaways out there. :) There are so many cute aprons at the site...I will have to show my mom, she'll love it too. My favorite is the fandago half apron. This one has a variety of fabrics used so I prefer the one in the sample photo that you click on before you get to the actual page. Thank you for doing a giveaway!
Aprons are in?? My mom is fashionable! I like the Chic sisters in the park slope fabric.
Love you,
Oh, these aprons are beautiful! Marie Madeline products are such high quality. If I win, I'd like the chic sisters apron in the barefoot roses fabric, please. Thanks for such a fun giveaway!
Neat, I'm so glad you're doing this! I love the Chic sisters apron in the barefoot roses fabric! You can just leave a comment on my blog to contact me!
K. E. A.
chic sisters with b&w polka dots.
maggiecarson @ hotmail.com
ok...i wanna win :)
BUT how does one decide?
How about i say, half apron, in Flower Power, Or Darla, or Anything from Anna Maria Horner.(that kind of narrows it down and everything they do over there is beautiful!
or http://blessingsshelia.blogspot.com/
I like the Chic Sisters pattern with the darla picnic rose pink fabric. Thanks! Penny
Pleated cottage with Jane street has always been my favorite! Thank you! - Annabelle
Chic Sisters, Bell Bottom fabrics...ooh. It makes my knees weak!
Staci dot sinkler at gmail dot com
I would pick the chic sisters apron with prints from the Darla Blue collection
I'd love the Chic Sisters in Kiwi Large Rose Toss.
Oooo, I'd love the Chic Sisters apron with Darla fabric. Beautiful!
Oh, I love these aprons! Especially the Chic Sisters design with Receiving Line fabric.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the aprons. It's so hard to pick one. But I think the the chic sisters apron would be most useful. Ohhh, and to have it in the green rose toss and pink stripe material would make it absolutely perfect.
I love aprons and am happy to see they are not something "forgotten"! I would love to have a chic sisters apron, it is so, well, CHIC!! And in the hello betty fabric. I'm sure my Grandmother had something similar in her closet! LOVE IT!!
I so need a cute apron. I like the chic sisters apron in the black and whites. So cute. Thanks for the contest!
how fun! love your site and the aprons are too cute! i like the frilly fandango in black and white!
LOVE aprons, great giveaway! I'm liking the chic sisters apron in the good folks patterns. Thanks!!
What a great giveaway! I would love the chic sisters apron from the pops garden & bijoux
I love the Fidago style apron in the red darla collection. I love the girls skirts too.
I will post a link back on my post!
adorable! love the pleated cottage in tablecloth AH19 green:)
I would love a Chic Sisters Apron in lake large rose toss with kiwi polka dot detailing. Thanks for the great giveaway. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca
Love your article!! and so true, my hubby always comments when I have made an effort to "dress" and put on a bit of makeup. I also think that for him an apron works better than lingerie, it means I have been cooking! LOL...my current apron is so matronly though, this would really be nice...Thank you for the opportunity! I love the chic sisters apron with dainty damask and Harlequin trim, from the black and white collection. Thanks! angelamorphew at msn dot com
Oh, I love the chic sisters apron. A pink apron with the pink polkadot sash! I need a new apron. I bought one for 99 cents at value village a couple years ago but it is only a half apron. With 5 little boys 6 and under - a half apron doesn't really cut it does it? Thank you for this chance at getting a really nice one!
I love the fandango apron...Love the Zebra yoke...I'm happy with anything for the ruffles...except no purple please:) Thanks for the contest!
How adorable! I luv the chic sisters apron. It would be so cute in the barefoot roses collection, especially the kiwi polka dot or the kiwi large rose toss.
What a fun giveaway.
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