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Ask Your Daddy for Something You Need

Image by wili

I mentioned on Tuesday that Keith and I just celebrated our eighth anniversary. Wow. In some ways I can't believe it's been that long, and in some ways, I can't believe any part of my life was lived without him. Know what I mean?

I had really been wishing and hoping that this year for our anniversary, we could get away together. Alone. You know, just the two of us? Without our beloved children.

In fact, we haven't been away together, alone, since we've had children. I was startled to realize today that not only have we been married for eight years, but it has been five years since just the two of us went away together. You know what? That's a really long time.

I've always had a nursling, and I think that has been the main thing that has kept us from getting away. But right now I'm not nursing a little one (yet!). And in a very short while, we'll have a new little one who will certainly need a great deal of time and attention and it will probably be a while before we can get away again. (Hopefully not another five years!)

Now seemed like the perfect time to take the plunge and go away.

There was only one problem.

We had no money.

As I mentioned in my post about our staycation, things have been especially tight around here lately. And there was absolutely no way we could squeeze out money to spend on a getaway.

Here's my Frugal Friday tip for today:

If there is something you need, or even something your heart greatly desires, ask your Heavenly Father about it.

No, He doesn't guarantee that He will give us all our heart desires. After all, we don't give our children everything they long for either, do we? We know that some of the things they ask for would be detrimental to them! But how often do we delight in giving our children special gifts, just because we love them?
Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

Which of you, if his son asks for bread will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Matthew 7:7-11
So, I asked. I told my Father that I felt that Keith and I really needed some time to be away alone together to recharge our relationship.

And you know what? He provided.

We have some friends who own a great little cabin out in the woods on a million acres of land. It's actually where Keith proposed to me, where we honeymooned, and where we celebrated our first anniversary. It's a pretty special place for us.

Keith called them up and asked if we might be able to use it again to get away together. And they were delighted for us to use it!

So, tomorrow we will be dropping our sweet little ones off at Nannie and Grandaddy's house (thanks, grandparents!!!), and heading to this special little place.

That cost us nothing.

Because our sweet Father saw fit to delight us with a beautiful gift from His hand. Just because He loves us.

Is there something you're in need of? Ask your Father. He delights in giving good things.


Erin said...

How wonderful! Enjoy your time away, may it be a blessed renewal for the two of you. :-)

Niki Jolene said...



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